
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Iphone 4: iphone film made with the South Korean

Seoul, South Korea (AP) The famous South Korean director Park Film-cha-wook film a new weapon that is: the iphone.

Park, director of old body, lady vengeance and thirst has declared Monday that his new movie fantasy and horror pananmanjang was shot with a smart-phone emblematic of Apple.
Parker said that new technology creates strange effects because it is new and because it is the middle of the public is accustomed.


paranmanjang, which means a life full of ups and downs, is the story of a man who transcends his life past and present. He grabs a woman while fishing in a river in the middle of the night. they both end up taking in line, and he thinks she is dead.
but suddenly, however, she wakes up and tries to strangle her, and he leaves. when the woman wakes up, she wears her clothes and he has his. and she calls "father. "

This film has been carried out on a budget of 133.00 dollars, has been running with an iphone 4 and should open the door to South Korea on Jan. 27.
Here is a film that could revolutionize cinema park chan wook bravo